Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A poem thats perfect

No treats, no tricks this year
to brighten up her smile
No searches for tiny costumes
down crowded clothing aisles

I did not get to choose
what my child would be this year
For you see, she's gone to heaven
and the future seems so unclear

But I imagine she has a tiny halo
floating right above her head
And I swear shes watching over us
and this is what she said.

"I may not get to join you
on this chilly Halloween night
But I'm a tiny angel now,
I'm never out of sight

You can see me in the changing leaves
that fall from above
And when the wind whistles by your ear
I'm whispering my love

I saw this on a friends facebook status who also lost a baby to a cord accident. I thought it was perfect!

1 comment:

  1. It is perfect!! I cant tell you how often I think of Kyndal and wonder what she'd be doing now, and how her little personality would be...
    Im sure she is the prettiest little angel in heaven!!
